Thursday, November 29, 2012

My Day of Freedom

This right here....this is a good day! TWO of my THREE classes were cancelled, so I was free for the day by 9:45! After class, I went to the caf and ate some breakfast (another bonus- there was vanilla yogurt waiting for me!), and took my sweet time, because guess what? I had nowhere to be! 

I've been in my dorm room since then, cleaning, doing laundry, and listening to music. It may sound like work, but I really have been enjoying myself. I LOVE it when my room is super clean. With a space this tiny, I don't really handle clutter all that well. Although, trust me, clutter does happen. I just finished making my packing list for the trip to Texas! We (my family and Tim's family) are leaving around 5 pm tonight! Everyone is going to swing by and pick me up on their way out, and then off we go to a long weekend of loveliness! 

I keep forgetting that tomorrow is my birthday! This is my very last day as an eighteen year old. Strange! After tomorrow, I will never again have a teenage birthday. That really boggles my mind. (Mom, if you're reading this, I apologize. I know you don't like it when I speak of such things.) I will have a fun birthday indeed! Tomorrow morning, the whole crew is going to eat breakfast at my grandfather's house in Austin, which I am super excited about! 

Aside from that, and the bike race that Dad, Christian, and Mr. Joe are doing on Saturday, I have absolutely no idea what we are even going to be doing on this trip. I do know that it will be a good time, though! I can't wait! When our two families get together (don't forget that this includes three kiddos under age 8), the possibilities of shenanigans that we could get into are endless!

In about 45 minutes, I'm heading out on another run with Anjelica! We are planning on doing four miles today, at an easier pace. We'll see how that goes! Honestly, it's been a while since I've run over three miles. I feel good today, though! I'm ready to go. I think. Hopefully....yeah.

Well, I suppose I shall get a head start on packing for the trip! WAHOO, it's a good day today. The only thing that could make it any better would be a lack of drowsiness. I may or may not have been up a bit too late last night doing homework and laundry. Okay, and wasting time. 



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