Really, my good day started last night, when I went to bed at a decent hour (before 11:30 is considered early in my book). That was wonderful! I even read Vogue and the Bible for a while before falling asleep. I love getting in bed at a time early enough that I still have enough energy and focus to read for a while, as opposed to just crashing. Anyway, I went to bed early(ish), and woke up earlier than I normally do, which was great. I gave myself an entire HOUR to get ready for classes- oh me oh my. I got up at 7:00, got ready (I even curled my hair!) until 8:00, and then went to breakfast with Layne and Anjelica until my 8:30 Bible Survey class. 'Twas a good, good morning.
Classes went well, in my opinion. Tuesdays and Thursdays are my easiest as far as classes go, but my hardest as far as class times go. On Mondays and Wednesdays, I have class at 10:00, and on Tuesdays and Thursdays I have class at 8:30. On that glorious last day, commonly called Friday, I have class at a whopping 11:00- HALLELUJAH, SALVATION AND GLORY.
I ate lunch today with a sweet friend named Hannah (this is a different Hannah than the one that I mentioned yesterday!). She makes me so very happy, and she always has good stories to tell from back home. She's from a tiny town in Texas, so living here feels like moving to a big city to her! That's so beyond fascinating to me, because I feel like I am living in a teeny town compared to where I'm from. I love diversity.
After my last class today, I went on a run with Anjelica. Let's just say that I feel a bit out of shape- I am training for a half marathon in March, but I haven't run in a couple of weeks for one reason or another (the first week, I was sick, and the second, I was getting better from the bike wreck that I had). I'm so glad that 1) I already registered and paid for the race, because I have no choice but to whip myself back into shape, and 2) I have Anjelica to run with- we definitely kept each other going today! We went three miles, which used to be easy for me, but today I felt so very weak. I'm super glad I had a running buddy to keep me motivated!
I'm now in the library- about to do an outrageous amount of homework. Party, party! My goal is to have it all finished before 7:00, which gives me about 2 and a half hours. Want to know why? I'll TELL you why- because tonight is going to be a night of Christmas cheer and pizza! Layne, Anjelica, Rachel, Grace, Emily, and I are heading over to my grandparents' house tonight to decorate their tree for them! My sweet Nana has a bad back, and it would't be the best idea for her to try to do that, so that's where we come in! I can't wait- there are a couple of girls coming that I've been meaning to get to know better, so this will be the perfect opportunity!
Recently, I've been so thankful for the spiritual encouragers that have been placed in my life. That's something that is so appreciated. It's so cool to be a part of a community that genuinely wants to follow Christ in every aspect of their lives, and is actively encouraging others to do the same. By no means is anyone perfect, but growth is happening, and that's what matters.
"The body is a unit, though it is made up of many parts; and though all its parts are many, they form one body." 1 Corinthians 12:12.
In Spiritual Formation today, we talked about prayer, and how it is so simple, but also so intimidating. It's so easy for me to feel like I am not worthy to talk to God, or like I need to pray exactly the right things, but that's just not the case. It's also easy for me to feel bad about praying for myself, as opposed to just mainly praying for others. My professor made an analogy by saying "Praying for everything but yourself is like saying to your mom, 'Hey, let's talk about everything and get to know each other, but avoid the topic of me, or our relationship. It just doesn't work! A parent wants to know their child." God doesn't want us to present the "best version" of ourselves- He just wants us, now. As we are- good, bad, and ugly included! That's something I really want to work on remembering and applying- if you see me around, feel free to remind me.
I'm thankful for this day! Now for that mountain of homework...
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